Delivery, Returns & Exchanges


When you place an order with us, we will do our best to get your items to you as soon as possible. If for any reason your item does not arrive by the estimated delivery date, we will contact you to provide you with a status update.

Estimated Delivery Time: 2-5 Days

Returns policy:

Please read all the conditions below.

  • Tefco reserves the right to refuse a return / refund / exchange request.
  • Please make your claims for "damaged items on delivery" or missing items within 24 hours of delivery.
  • If you will receive damage or unworking product you can exchange or return it.
  • The product must be returned with the original packaging.
  • You can send us return request at

Exchange Policy:

  • You can exchange order but you have to send order to our warehouse and also need to pay delivery charges for exchange order.

Returns are not included on below cases:

  1. After the Product has been consummated. After full consummation of the product. This includes when the user demands a refund immediately after receiving the product.
  2. Change of mind. We reserve the right to decline on returns when you change your mind and not continuing the purchase
  3. False expectation. Reasons which prevented you from properly using the product as clearly stated in the website. These reasons which we never claimed to provide and not listed feature list of the product.
  4. Beyond the 7-day return period. It means that you have fully accepted the product in good condition.


1. Debit/Credit Card Customers:

If you placed the order using a Debit/Credit card, we will refund the price of the item(s) returned to the same card. We will inform you once the payment has been processed from our end. However, please note that it may take an additional 7 – 14 working days for the amount to reflect on your bank statement.

2. Cash on Delivery

If you placed the order using Cash on Delivery (COD), we will issue you a return coupon equivalent to value of the item(s) you returned and same will be send to you over email. The coupon will be redeemable at and you can use to order anything you like!